The Lone Troubadour

The tall tales of a lone troubadour who wanders throughout the lands, collecting and writing stories and poetry, slaying dragons and capturing daemons.

Location: Ontario, Canada

As a popculturist-turned-journalist I bring you the news Thompson-style. When I'm not dicking around exploring news-worthy information (Hell, everything is news-worthy) I'm usually resting in peace trying to avoid the world (Imagine that, a journalist who hates the world).

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


The cold steel of the corridor reverberates with the not-so-distant roar of the jump drive spinning into action. James Treader looks up from the open panel in the bulkhead in the general direction of the drives, and smiles.

I love my job.

James bends back over the open system bus, and seals it shut. Standing up straight again, he begins to walk through the ship towards the drive bay, stopping for a snack in the mess. Seeing his captain, Alahor, he grins.

"Drive's are operational, cap'n."

"I'm hearing that. Thanks, James. Wanna have some chili? I've got some left."

"Nah, I'm good. Plus, yer chili gives me the gas."

Alahor laughs. "Well, I can't be having you all gassy in the drive room, something might explode." Alahor stands, and begins walking towards the door. "Look, keep my ship together, 'kay?"

"Will do cap'n."

"Good." The hatch seals shut, leaving James to his own thoughts.


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