The Lone Troubadour

The tall tales of a lone troubadour who wanders throughout the lands, collecting and writing stories and poetry, slaying dragons and capturing daemons.

Location: Ontario, Canada

As a popculturist-turned-journalist I bring you the news Thompson-style. When I'm not dicking around exploring news-worthy information (Hell, everything is news-worthy) I'm usually resting in peace trying to avoid the world (Imagine that, a journalist who hates the world).

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

'Blog Review

Well, I've been searching through Technorati recently, looking for new writing blogs, when I stumbed across this little gem. The Chronicles of Seriphyn Knight. It's the ongoing story of a girl known as Seriphyn Knight, told in an Industrial Age (as far as I can tell) setting. Without spoiling any of the written work, I'd like to give it a little review.

It's actually mostly well written: the story itself progresses at a fairly fast clip, a bit of disjointment here and there from gaps in the actual story. Grammar and punctuation leave much to be desired for, and definitely could use some work. Also, watch for some mispelled words, occasionally they can throw you off (consider 'reteched' rather than 'wretched', as it should be).

Otherwise, not bad at all. It'll be interesting to see where the story goes on from here.


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